23 novembre 2017 - Gwen Bevers et Joost van Riel ont présenté une introduction au nouveau droit des sociétés au Forum For The Future

Droit des entreprises

23 novembre 2017


At the invitation of the BIBF-IPCF [the Institute of Accounting Professionals and Tax Experts], Gwen Bevers and Joost van Riel gave a talk in Brussels expo at the Forum For The Future about the New Company Act, which is expected during the course of next year.

The new Companies and Associations Code, will radically change our company and association law. Before a public made up of representatives from the various numerical professions, Gwen Bevers and Joost van Riel reviewed the most important points of the new Company Law.

In a systematic overview of the fourteen books of the new code, the speakers emphasised the most fundamental changes, paying attention to e.g. the transitional arrangement for existing companies, the new rules and limitations for management liability, the concept of a capital-free BV and the expanded freedom of choice in the management of NV´s.

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