Reform of the summary procedure for securing court orders to pay

Judiciary law

07 January 2014


On 13 December 2013 the Council of Ministers approved a bill designed to reform the summary judicial procedure required in order to secure a court order for payment. This procedure enables companies to quickly collect undisputed invoices from other companies, government authorities or consumers, but in its current form it is widely regarded to be unnecessary cumbersome. Moreover, it only applies for invoices up to a maximum of 1,860.00 EUR.   The new law, which has yet to wend its way through the full Parliamentary adoption process, would remedy this perceived flaw by simplifying the procedure. Moreover the threshold amount below which the summary procedure is possible with regard to companies will be eliminated altogether, while with regard to consumers it will be increased to 2,500.00 EUR. Together with the recent adaptations made to the Wet betreffende de Continuïteit van de Ondernemingen (WCO - Continuity of Enterprises Act) and the new rules to combat late payment in commercial transactions[1], the Government is thus hoping to give greater relief to companies and SME´s. [1] See on this

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